Centro per lo Sviluppo Creativo “Danilo Dolci”, ITALY
Amico Dolci is President of Centro per lo sviluppo creativo Danilo Dolci, that is a non-profit association involving young people and adults, which mainly acts through projects in the educational field carried out in cooperation with schools, universities, institutions, associations and social groups both at local and international level. He has studied Music Composition and Flute at the Conservatory of Palermo (Italy) and he attended a specialization course in Ancient Music at the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis of Basel (Switzerland).
He is a Music educator of Flute lessons and Baroque ensembles for children and young people at Conservatory of Music of Palermo. Amico is a skilled trainer and his skills lie in the application and development of RMA in different educational contexts. (http://reciprocalmaieutic.danilodolci.it/).
Amico organises maieutic workshops for different targets ranging from migrants, NEET to public administration and teachers.
President of Symbola Foundation http://www.symbola.net.
Symbola represents the «excellence of made in Italy» especially considering the design and crafts. ITALY
Lisette Reuter (graduate educator), born in 1979 is a freelance cultural manager, producer, certified intercultural trainer and consultant in the field of international and intercultural projects. For more than 10 years she puts her professional focus on the international and intercultural work within the framework of interdisciplinary cultural projects, exchange programs and education. This includes the development and implementation of new project types; Guidance of workshops and intercultural trainings; Advising stakeholders; Consultant in the international Roots & Routes Network. Elementary part of her professional activities, but also her personal interest is always the promotion of intercultural dialogue and the steerage of intercultural opening processes.
Cre8tv.eu FP7 project, expert on CCS economics and development, incl. start-ups, GREECE
Aimilia Protogerou holds a Ph.D. in Business Strategy and Industrial Policy and is research fellow at the LIEE-NTUA. Her research interests revolve around strategic management of technology and innovation, technology policy and cooperative research and development, innovation networks and knowledge-intensive entrepreneurship. She has contributed as a researcher and principal researcher to a large number of related research projects, mainly financed by the EU and the Greek National Secretariat of Research and Technology. She has published her work in international journals such as Industrial and Corporate Change, Economics of Innovation and New Technology, Science and Public Policy, Journal of Technology Transfer, and, European Management Journal.
Email: protoger@chemeng.ntua.gr
President of GAI Italy, Young Artists in Italy http://www.giovaniartisti.it ITALY
Consultant and independent advisor for companies, foundations and organizations, and professor of business strategy, finance, entrepreneurship and cultural markets in Business Schools and Universities, SPAIN
Jon Icazuriaga Barcena is a consultant and independent advisor for companies, foundations and organizations and professor of business strategy, finance, entrepreneurship and cultural markets in Business Schools and Universities. He has developed his professional career as manager of different companies, such as director of foreign trade and logistics in Chile of a Spanish multinational, director of corporative services of a North American multinational and manager of an art consultancy in Spain. He accumulates an extensive teaching experience in several institutions, like the Escuela de Organización Industrial (EOI), the oldest Business School in Spain, where he is Director of different Entrepreneurship Courses and finance, entrepreneurship and strategy professor. His knowledge areas are related to entrepreneurship, business strategy, finances and cultural markets. He is also professor on specialized courses about the art market and lecturer on art, culture and economy in several institutions. He participates as a consultant in the development of multiple business and cultural projects in Spain.
Educational history
After the degree in Archaeology (University of Rome), she has been awarded the Diploma of Fine and Decorative Arts from Antiquity to 1450 (Royal Society of Arts, London); the MA in Museum Studies (Department of Museum Studies, University of Leicester); the MA in Technological Instruments for the Economic Evaluation of Cultural and Environmental Heritage (University of Ferrara).
Employment history
She is a research fellow in the field of museum education and communication, with specific regard to the issue of culture as a means of social integration, subject on which she has published several papers.
From 1996 she is member of ECCOM (European Centre for Cultural Organisation and Management) and in 2010 she became president of it.
As member of Eccom, she has been part of several research projects at a national and international level on the issue of the social role of museums and of lifelong learning processes within museums. She has also managed many European funded projects within the framework of the Lifelong Learning Programme 2007-2013 such as “LLML-Lifelong Museum Learning” (2005-2006), “VoCH-Volunteers for Cultural Heritage” (2007-2009); “Museum education for young people” (2007-2009); “ITEMS-Innovative technologies for European Museum Strategies” (2010-2012); “MuseumMediators” (2012-2014); “DIAMOND-Dialoguing Museum for a New Cultural Democracy” (2012-2014); “Open All Areas” (2012-2014), as well as in the Culture 2007-2013 funded project “She-Culture” (2013-2015).
She lectures in many post-graduate courses and Masters.